Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter 10
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter 10 Or Episode TEN of Dirty Affair With My Sister Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Dirty Affair With My Sister Chapter TEN: ????
Back To Life ????
Oh well, This was embarrassing so I got into the deep end of the
pool. I was just relaxing and cooling off wondering what was going
to happen next. After a few minutes I started to think that it was all in my mind. About the time that I started to relax the door to
the basement opened and out stepped my Step mum.
She stepped out and walked toward the pool. I never thought of
my stepmom as a sexual object, but my late sexual desires must have caused me to notice how fetching she looked in the pink Clothe that she was wearing. The way she wore her Night dress and the shape of her body made her look a lot like Anthony Martial.
Mom was only 25 when she die. Since then our new Stepmom has being taking care of us at the age of 22. She was a smart and very
attractive lady. Now at 32 she looked better than she ever had.
She looked at me through the dim light glowing by the pool, “Segun, I thought you’d be staying at your friend place through out today.
You’re home awfully early.”
(Segun) – “Yeah, well I was tired. It’s been a long weekend.
I just wanted to come home a little early. I’ve got a lot to think
(STEPMOM) – “OK, I just wanted to make sure that you were ok.
Did you have a good time tonight.”
Lying a little, “Yeah it was great. You don’t get to graduate
from school every day.” Then I paused for a few seconds. “Did
Viv get off to the stepmom’s house alright?”.
(StepMom) — “Yeah, They left about 8:30(pm). They should be
there about 1:00(am). I wish they wouldn’t have left so late,
but Temi’s Mom was driving. She said she’d call me in the
(Segun) – “Oh, OK.”
(STEPMom) – “I’ve noticed how close you two are and it makes me
proud that you look out for her. She loves you very much and I
know that you care deeply for her.”
If she only knew how much, I wonder what she would think. “I
will miss her while she’s gone Mom, but I am glad she’s getting
to hang with her friends.”
(Stepmom) – “Well don’t stay up too late, ok?”
(Segun) — “I won’t.”
She nodded, “See you tomorrow. You sleep in and enjoy the
day.” With that she turned around and softly moved back inside.
That was cool. She didn’t say a word about jack For a second I thought about what I could do with her, but
soon my thoughts turned back toward Vivian. It was surely going
to be a long 10 days. I thought if I found a part time job that maybe it
would take things off of my mind.
I continued to enjoy the early June weather and the 78-degree pool. It allowed my cock and balls to feel plump and fertile.
Eventually, I went and layed back on the lounge chair and took a
few more tokes of marijuana. I just relaxed and daydreamed about an
optimistic future. I stayed up until 1am and then went to bed.
The next day, I rolled around in bed all morning and finally got up
at noon. I decided to go talk to my Grandfather about helping him
with his Law Firm. He had made the offer to let me work with
him at my graduation. I went to his office to see if he was really
serious. He agreed to let me help him as long as I was willing to
do whatever needed to be done.
I would mainly be running errands. That entailed both going and
getting contracts to be signed or delivering them to be looked over
and signed. It also included any grunt work that needed to be
done, which included running errands and doing any other tasks
that needed to be done for any members of the firm, their
secretaries, or paralegals.
I couldn’t complain. This would be a heck of a lot easier than
doing some medial labor. The best part was that My Grandfather
said that as long as I was willing do this work during all my
breaks from college that he would pay me #5k per week while I
was in college.
With my parents on the hook for my tuition and my Grandfather
on the hook for spending money, I was pretty much hooked up to get a really good education. The only thing I really had to do was to focus. In the last 6 months I finally learned how to do that, thanks to Vivian and the focus that my love for her had
given me.
For the next 10 days I focused on my new job. The days were
long, but I wasn’t doing rubbish. I had to be at the office at 8am and my Grandfather always insisted on me being punctual. By the time I got to go home it was usually 6 or 7pm.
I enjoyed the job and got along very well with the people that
worked there.
The job kept me busy and slowed down my obsession about Vivian
being gone. The #5k a week I was earning wasn’t much, but
the payoff would come in having the extra cash coming in while I
was going to school. It also started me to thinking about pursuing
a law degree. That would make Big Daddy (my Grandfather’s
nickname) very happy.
TO Be Continued